Yellowstone Anglers’ Basecamp

Yellowstone Anglers’ Basecamp at Camp Buffalo Bill is Cutthroat Trout territory and we are very excited that you are joining us in this adventure.

Our number one job at camp is to make sure you have a spectacular experience. So please speak to any member of our staff if you have a request or if something isn’t going how you think it should. We will do our very best to fix it.

Camp Buffalo Bill is managed/operated by the Adventure West Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Construction on the camp began in 1948 after approval of the U.S. Forest Service. The Boy Scouts lease the land from the Forest Service.

There have been many improvements to the camp over the years, but the camp is showing its age and there are many more upgrades that need to be made, with the central bathhouse being top priority.

All of the net proceeds from Yellowstone Anglers’ Basecamp go to support physical improvements to the camp. So in addition to getting a great outdoor experience, you are contributing to the long term viability of Camp Buffalo Bill.

For over 70 years, Camp Buffalo Bill has offered Scouts an exceptional and truly unique outdoor experience. Its location in the Shoshone National Forest and the Absoroka Range provides beauty and wilderness second to none. We are privileged to have formed this partnership with the Boy Scouts so that our fly fishing community may share in its richness and also contribute to its future.